Central of Lunenburg - Victoria, Virginia
Central's Golden Anniversary 2016

Homecoming Game - October 14th, 2016
First-year Chargers were recognized before the start of the Homecoming Game. Faculty (from right): Frank Warren, John Griffith, Barry Carnes, Hazel Fisher, Anne Hamlett. Students from the Class of 1967 included David Arthur, Frank Barlett, Peggy Glasscock Benton, Phil Brandon, Linda Tanner Childress, Bobby Crafton, “Cookie” Daniel, Malynda Gill Alder, Bernadette LaForrest Gunn, Dwight Hardy, Gregory Hardy, Gene Hart, David Hawks, Margaret Wright Hornbeck, Chuck Johnson, Carolyn Vaughan Lewis, Judy Bailey Smith, Cheryl Barlow Winston. These early Chargers started the traditions! Other classes having reunions this weekend were the Class of 1976 and the Class of 1991. Two former principals were also present: Dr. Sidney Faucette and Ms. Sarah Nicholas.

Class of '67 - 50 Years Ago!
Email: info@centraloflunenburg.org
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This page was last updated on October 15, 2016